Nieuws over hersenletsel


Inventor of brain injury app wins Young Innovators prize

Hoe de ene broer de andere broer helpt door een app te ontwikkelen waarmee de broer met NAH zijn cognitieve vermogen kan trainen.

Ellis Parry created the Alfred app to help the rehabilitation process after his twin brother suffered a devastating accident. Identical twins Luke and Ellis Parry were studying engineering at Oxford in 2012 when Luke suffered a devastating brain injury after falling from a balcony. Doctors told Ellis that his brother only had hours to live.

A decade later, Luke is now in work and is training to be a Paralympic athlete. Much of this remarkable recovery is due to his own strength of character, although his recuperation has also been helped by his brother. Ellis has set up Neumind, a company developing a next-generation app to help individuals with neurological conditions live independent lives.

It was the discovery that his brother faced limited support that drove Ellis to set up Neumind and to design its app – Alfred, named after Batman’s butler – as an aid to those afflicted with acquired brain injury (ABI). “We built Alfred to help people with cognitive impairments take control of their lives. It delivers smart prompts to support memory and planning; provides neurological training regimes; and links the individual to their wider support network of families, friends and carers”. Lees het hele artikel op de website van The Guardian.

Inventor of brain injury app wins Young Innovators prize