Ondanks verbeteringen in de acute medische behandeling van een beroerte, zijn de gevolgen voor zowel belangrijke functionele- als levens domeinen aanzienlijk. Zo ook op het gebied van seksuele gezondheid. De conclusie van dit onderzoek laat zien dat aandacht voor seksuologische problemen tijdens revalidatie na CVA zorgt voor relationele tevredenheid op lange termijn.
Counselled Patients with Stroke Still Experience Sexual and Relational Problems 1–5 Years After Stroke Rehabilitation. De auteurs zijn J. J. L. Meesters, D. P. H. W. van de Ven, E. Kruijver, J. Bender, W. G. Volker, T. P. M. Vliet Vlieland en P. H. Goossens.
Abstract. To describe sexual functioning/satisfaction and relational satisfaction of patients with stroke who received sexual counselling during their rehabilitation 1–5 years thereafter. All adult patients with stroke admitted to one Dutch Rehabilitation Centre between January 2010 and January 2014 with at least two consultations with a sexologist were invited to participate in this cross-sectional survey study. Patients were asked to complete a ques-tionnaire on sexual functioning, relational satisfaction (Maudsley Marital Questionnaire, 0–80; low–high dissatisfaction), health-related quality of life (HRQoL) short-form12 (SF-12) mental and physical component scale (MCS and PCS; 0–100, low–high HRQoL) and mood Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale (HADS, 0–21 low–high depression/anxiety). Descriptive statistics were used for sexual functioning/satisfaction and relational satisfac-tion. Spearmans’s correlation analysis (rs) analyzed the relationships between sexual satis-faction, relational satisfaction, PCS, MCS, depression and anxiety. Of 296 eligible patients, 62 (21%) completed the questionnaires. Mean age 55.4 (SD11.0) years, time-since-stroke 3.5 (SD3.6) years, 33 (53%) were male and 18 (29%) were single. Being sexually (very) unsatisfied was reported by 31 (54%) responders, with 63% being male and 44% female. Median MMQ-score relational satisfaction was 12.0 (IQR 4.25–23.25). A moderate cor-relation was present between sexual and relational satisfaction (rs = 0.35, p = 0.02). In male respondents relational satisfaction was highly correlated with lower levels of anxiety (rs = 0.54, p = 0.01) and depressive symptoms (rs = 0.71, p = 0.00). Patients with stroke who received sexual counselling during their rehabilitation treatment experience high relational satisfaction in the long term after stroke, despite their problems in sexual functioning. Oftewel, Patiënten met een CVA die tijdens hun revalidatiebehandeling seksuele begeleiding kregen, ervaren op de lange termijn na een CVA een hoge relationele tevredenheid, ondanks hun problemen met seksueel functioneren.
Hier is de link naar het nieuwsbericht op de website van Kennisnetwerk CVA Nederland. Hier is de link naar het onderzoek.